
First stop on your tour: hit the About page to find out why and how Blogtrotting came to be. Then go to the Destinations page to sign up your blog and find other bloggers in your region or one you're interested in. Finally, FOLLOW Blogtrotting using the widget on the right! Come back every day to see what corner of the world we're visiting.

Can't wait to see where we'll go next!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Hi! Welcome to BlogTrotting! I'm your tour guide, Cara (known around the interweb as Carabee). You can usually find me over at the Land of Bean. At one time I was part of the corporate rat-race, but these days I'm a stay at home mom. I love my life, but ever since the arrival of my daughter, I've felt a little something missing. Travel! One of the perks before children is the ability to take off on a whim. I love visiting new places: the sights and smells, the different accents and languages. Such a thrill. But my carefree travel days have been put on hold.

That's one of the great things about the internet. You can go all over the world without worrying about lugging carseats or diaper bags. And there's absolutely no danger of being "that" person on the plane. You know the one, with the screaming child. Yeah, I've been that person, and it is not fun.

So I decided to start a blog dedicated to traveling to new blogs around the world. But it is always more fun when you have someone along to share the experience, so I turned to my great friend Megan, aka MEP, who hails from her own fabulous blog, Not to Brag. She's super smart and funny and exactly the person I want to hit the road with.

And with that, we bring you BlogTrotting! Each day we'll discover the wonders of a different area. To be included in our tour, please find your region and leave a comment with your name, location, blog name and URL. Each day, (Monday - Friday, a girl's got to rest) we'll feature a different region and link to a blog in that region. We'll let you know at least a week before your day so you have time to clean up and prepare for your visitors. If you're the artsy-craftsy sort and would be interested in contributing a piece for a giveaway as part of your "tour", please let us know!

Some recommendations for your tour day:
  • Post our button on your blog or post or both. 
  • Keep your introductory post under 500 words. Short and sweet wins the day.
  • Interesting tidbits about your town, county, state and/or country are encouraged. This is, after all, about learning about new areas. But don't be afraid to think outside of the box - let your creative streak show!
  • PICTURES!! They really are worth a thousand words.
  • Edit. Edit. Edit. Check and check again for spelling, grammar and punctuation. As I once heard a very successful blogger say, spend as much time editing your post as you do writing it in the first place. 
  • This is also about finding new friends, so be sure to link to some of your best posts so we can get to know more about you. 
  • Don't forget to tell all your friends to come sign up to be a featured blog here on Blogtrotting!
That's it! We look forward to our visit!


  1. Pretty neato idea. Wish I had thought of it!! ;)

  2. just letting you know that your comment didn't go unnoticed - and i definitely will be signing up in the near future, as soon as i have my life in order! things are just so busy right now. i'd love to tell my tales of birmingham (where i am now) and, when i'm home next month, sydney.

    this is a lovely project and i look forward to travelling the world through it!

  3. This site look great! Looking forward to following, though I'm afraid you won't get much of a world view from here. I think I can see your house out my window if I squint just so...

  4. Hey, great idea! Good for you.

  5. This is so cool! Just found you on Five Little Monkies blog. I had no idea that she was my "neighbor" in New Jersey until I saw her post. LOL

  6. Hi, thanks for the invite to write about Maine. Sure I'd love to do it. Yes, I will have it ready by Tuesday. Thanks again for the invite and will look forward to it.


  7. I like the concept, and the feel of this 'community'!

  8. This is so awesome!! Now, I need to get out and shot some pictures for you.

    Hopefully in when the weather gets cooler.

    I'm from La.

    What a great idea.

    So nice to meet you♥

  9. What a great concept. Adding your badge to my blog and will comment on Arizona (which is what my blog is currently about). Future destinations will be all over the United States and Mexico!
