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Can't wait to see where we'll go next!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Windy City!

With our very first trip, I thought it would be appropriate if we went to pick up my partner in crime, Mep, at her place in the Wrigleyville/Southport section of Chicago. I've been to her house, and let me tell you, it kicks butt. It's in a fantastic neighborhood with a little bit of everything. And while I could go on and on about how great Chicago is, I don't want to spoil her day. So without further ado, head on over to visit her at:

Not to Brag

Don't forget to leave a comment! And come back tomorrow as we head out for our next destination. Here's a hint:

It is the birthplace of the Sultan of Swat.


  1. YAY for blog trotting. I'm off to visit with MEP.

  2. Cool... I've never been to Chicago!

    And "Sultan of Swat"? That's just... AWESOME.

  3. I just checked out Chicago via MEP and can I just say that I heart she put a pic of her local CVS in there?!
