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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Poetry and Polar Bears

One of the reasons we started BlogTrotting was to find the amazing places around the world that we might never have otherwise. Places that only chance would find us actually visiting. Places like Garson, Manitoba in Canada. You won't even believe how amazingly beautiful it is there.

Mailis is a truly gifted writer. Her poetry is emotional and haunting. Her depiction of her home is one that truly can't be missed. She sprinkles humor over the telling and makes it more than just a travel brochure. She brings heart. So get on over there and visit her:

Dark Sparks (and fire flakes)

Please leave a comment and tell her where you're visiting from! We all live for comments, so please, please, please reward her hard work.

Tomorrow, we're heading back to the US. A hint: The name of this city used to have another "A" in it, but it was dropped because they needed a shorter version to fit on the city newspaper's masthead.

Have you entered the $30 Amazon.com gift card contest yet??

1 comment:

  1. Her post, poetry and photos are amazing! Thanks so much to you both for showcasing her gorgeous town. Between watching the Olympics and her post, I am dying to visit Canada!
