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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hats Off For Andrew

I suppose you've all noticed that we've been on a little bit of a vacation from our normal travel schedule. My darling partner Mep and I have found that the rigors of daily life, she with three children and I with one who is the equal of seven (who has had chicken pox for the last week), have left us a little overwhelmed. We have struggled to keep up with our responsibilities here while attempting to maintain some sort of regular posting schedule at our own blogs. I know mine has suffered. So we decided to take a bit of a break. We plan to resume a revised tour schedule soon. In the meantime, please continue signing up under your region. We hope to visit you soon!

But I actually have a much more important topic to discuss today: Andrew. Andrew is a beautiful 3 year old boy who was diagnosed with cancer last April. While the tumor was removed, he is undergoing an entire year of chemotherapy to prevent it's return. Unfortunately, one of the side effects is hair loss. To help keep his spirits up, my friend Stacia is heading up an effort to send Andrew hats from all 50 states and around the world. I recently sent off a hat and care package from Maryland, but I know they are still looking for hats from a number of US states and Canadian provinces. Not to mention how awesome it would be if folks from other countries could join in!

I hope you'll take a minute to check out the website and consider being a part of the effort.

Hats Off For Andrew


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