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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

No Situation Here

For the record, I do NOT watch Jersey Shore. Having said that, it's impossible not to know at least a little about the show. Like that one of the "characters" on the show calls himself "The Situation." Which is just about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. But I digress. We're here today to talk about the REAL New Jersey, the home of today's featured blogger: Brianne. And I'm fairly confident, although you'll have to check out her blog to be sure, that her part of Joyzee is nothing like the MTV show.

So head on over to see her:

Mommy's Time

Be sure to show her some comment love! Tomorrow, we're heading back west. A hint: The name of this state is derived from Spanish for "snow-covered."

1 comment:

  1. I don't watch Jersey Shore either, but don't you feel as if you cannot avoid it?!
